Laser cut dividers

That’s a nice offer, but I’ve got it uploaded to OnShape now. This way the accuracy can be maintained.

The file uploaded without a hitch. OnShape even accepted the assembly file by itself (no “pack and go” required) and didn’t complain about the parts being saved inside the assembly (as opposed to each part being saved as individual files).

Unfortunately, the mates didn’t transfer, but I was able to add them. It works like it should, but occasionally it hangs up. I suspect calculating the tangent mates takes a fair amount of processing power. Or maybe if I added the mates in a different order it would work better. I find grabbing the outline of the rightmost pin-hole allows it to be moved the smoothest.

Fusion 360, on the other hand, is apparently incapable of opening an assembly file by itself (throws an error during the upload process that says “Please select required reference parts and sub-assemblies”).

So, reluctantly, I saved all the parts as individual files, but it seems Fusion 360 can’t open SolidWorks 2016 files at all. It’s funny that OnShape had no issue.

So I saved the three parts as STEP files, which imported just fine into Fusion 360. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like Fusion 360 has the necessary mates (or “joints” as they call them) to make this divider functional. Also, it’s not clear whether my personal email address will be shared if I make the project public, so I’m not going to do that. Autodesk also REQUIRES both a first and last name to be entered into the profile and doesn’t seem to offer any provision to conceal that information. Gee Autodesk, ever heard of a little thing called privacy? Why not just get it over-with and require sharing a scan of our driver’s license?

My version of Rhino couldn’t open the SolidWorks 2016 file either, but since it’s nearly 5 years old (version 4.0) I can hardly blame it. 2015 files worked though, IIRC. It did open the STEP files just fine though (I love Rhino!) and exported a very nice looking ai file that opened just fine in the latest version of Illustrator. I’m going to attach that file.
Dividers 06.AI (54.2 KB)