List of unsafe materials

Have been searching this forum as well as the internet but either missed, or searched poorly. Not finding much on etching cured gypsum products like plaster of paris or hydrocal. A few videos out there. A few photo references, but nothing definitive on whether it is a good idea or not.

Any recommendations? Apologies if I missed this somehow.


I had not seen anyone try that, interesting idea!
One of the properties of Calcium Sulphate (aka gysum) is that it is quite stable at very high temperatures. Like a few thousand degrees F high. That is one reason it gets used in most casting investment mixes. I would guess (only a guess) that it is safe but messy.

If you could break it down you would get SO2 which is a pretty noxious gas, but I doubt you will get there.

You might need to be concerned about other additives though, so check the MSDS for your specific product.

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Thanks for your reply. Will certainly look closer at MSDSs before attempting. Nothing “jumps out” to my eyes with US Gypsum Hydrocal:
But I will read more thoroughly. Just wondered if anyone had tried and if there was any feedback.