Power outputting variation?

From here: Sam's Laser FAQ - Carbon Dioxide Lasers

There’s no problem with absorption of light from either a Nd:YAG (1.06 microns)
or CO2 (10.6 microns) laser in nitrogen, or in air without contaminants. In
practice, air has variable percentages of CO2 and water vapor and also tends
to contain hydrocarbons, all of which absorb 10.6 um light.

@fablab_elpaso, do you work in a humid atmosphere?

Since the power will be a function of distance it should be easy to compensate for it in software.


West Texas is pretty arid. But the inside of a well used laser cutter gets to looking like a BBQ pit after a while. So, the air in there isn’t exactly clean.

Totally agree. Except dude is going out of his way to troll every thread.

Don’t feed the trolls.