Promotional stickers

@dan The original intent of my forum post was to ask if you guys were planning on including a Glowforge sticker in the kit - because hey, who doesn’t love stickers to put on the tool chest in the shop, etc., amiright? Plus - cheap publicity/marketing for you guys!

But then, as I was writing the post, I had a brainwave. Why not include a whole sheet of them and make cutting them out part of the tutorial/intro process?

There’s got to be some laser-friendly non-vinyl sticker materials you could use, and then presto - two birds with one stone!


That’s a really good idea! I mostly sit back and just learn from the forums (everybody else seems to have the majority of the issues under control), but I wanted to chime in. I think that the whole advertising/tutorial idea is really interesting - I’m for it

You just got me thinking about polyester labels as a vinyl sticker-replacement. I just ordered a sample from these guys, and inquired about known laser-safety of their products.

Is Tyvek a related material? It is a polyethylene product too. It seems to be rather laser friendly. I can imagine it in applications where one needs a bit more holding power. Perhaps as a binding layer for strength or as a stencil material that might stand up more to something like a sandblaster. Thinking this because I have Tyvek left over from some construction projects.

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I cut Tyvek on my school’s laser cutter with full permission from the head shop professor, so as far as toxicity goes I think it should be alright!

I would think it’s safe but you ever notice how all the wood working shop teachers in high school had missing fingers. Just saying.


Haha true, though I think I can safely say I would put more faith into my college’s head fabricator :wink: Even more so because she was very strict with her laser-approved materials list! …now I’m really hoping tyvek isn’t actually toxic to laser cut lol

According to Wikepedia, Polyethylene is generally made up exclusively of Carbon and Hydrogen atoms. As such, the ‘fumes’ from burning it would presumably be limited to mostly CO2 and H2O, possibly with a bit of CO mixed in if not enough Oxygen was available. I would call that pretty safe from a fumes standpoint, especially given the small amount of material that actually is burned in a cut line.