
That looks great. I definitely wouldn’t touch the labels on that one. If mine was wood or had any cool stuff on it I wouldn’t mess with it either. The labels are uninformative and there’s some masking tape, but that’s about it. Nothing I think I’ll regret losing.


I just checked UW’s website and found that they do indeed have a reuse shop. It is only open to the public on Tuesdays though. Will make it tough to check it out.

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I was hoping to find something a little more warehouse-sized, but it looks like UC Davis does have a reuse store too.

Yeah, ours is only open to the public on Thursdays. Today’s lunch break took a little longer than I intended…


Lunch break… not a bad idea… don’t know how I would get a massive desk onto the light rail though :wink:

I strongly recommend becoming friends with someone who owns a large truck. Doing so has served me well.

He’s also a great guy, but the truck doesn’t hurt.


Yeah, that looks a bit less like where I went today. Ours is 100% warehouse that is mostly organized. There was an entire section of desks that blocked the whole aisle and the only way to get through was to climb over top.


We used to have a large SUV that we could fit just about anything in. We don’t anymore, nor do we know anyone with a truck. It has definitely made life a little more difficult in the “moving things” category.

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yeah… that’s what I was hoping to find.

Once you own a pickup it’s hard to imagine not having one. I’m on my fifth.


The only reason I don’t own one yet is that my friend has a diesel truck with an 8’ bed that I can borrow any time I need it, and he lives just a mile away. It’s not his daily driver, so unless he needed to tow something to the cabin for the weekend it’s usually available. Why incur the costs of owning a truck myself when I can just pick up the tab for lunch every now and again instead?


That’s called “winning”!

(I would love a long-bed diesel… not to roll coal, but for the torques and the mpgs… although lately I have been eyeing the 4x4-converted sprinter vans)


What a great idea! It’s going to be a lot of work getting your new Glowforge space together, but totally fun the whole way.

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I’m down South of Tacoma and own a truck. I may want to take a look in there, too.


anyone know of a reuse place in MD? The ones that I’m finding seem to be REALLY expensive. Tried to find flat file cabinets like @cdw and @jbv but normal filing cabinets at these places are almost as much as new filing cabinets.

I’m not sure what sort of searchwords to put in to find more of the warehouse, find what you can, dirt cheap prices type of place. Is it Re-use, recycled, donated, old, etc…? Thoughts?

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If you happen to find something there and need transport, maybe we can work something out. I may head up one of the next couple of Tuesdays.

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I shop the UW surplus store pretty regularly. My advice is that you get there EARLY! There is often a line waiting to get in on Tuesday afternoons. If there is something on the website that you want you need to get there and then head straight for it, They put 2 part tickets on everything and you need to go run and rip off the buyer half of the ticket before anyone else does. It can seriously get crazy at the end of the year sales. :fearful:

One great thing is that if you see something you want but can’t pick it up immediately, you can pay for it and then they will hold it for you for a few days without charge.


Oops. Thanks for the reality check. Thought the UW thing was in response to @julybighouse asking about a place near MD. A little fuzzy this morning and was planning a trip to University of DC (Washington DC)

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I was able to find this:

But it doesn’t look like they have much right now. maybe going in person will show better selection

Another place to check is They sell tons of stuff dirt cheap and no one really knows about this site. I know I’ve seen flat drawers on here a number of times.

heres one if you live near charlotte: