125 percent price increase on medium PG draft board?

A 12X20 sheet of medium PG draft board used to be $4. Now it’s $9. I understand supply chain issues and inflation, but that is crazy. I’m glad I ordered 18 sheets when the price was reasonable. I already switched to using Home Depot .25 inch MDF instead of thick draft board. Does anyone have any recommendations for what to use to replace PG medium draft board?

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There are quite a few suppliers that focus their marketing attention on home laser users and supply various products. In addition to the big box stores, I have had good results from this company: https://gs2awards.com/shop/ols/products/mdf-sheet-stock/v/MDF-SHT-1-83


Now that’s a good link.

OMG!!! I wish I could complain on your level.

Ordering heavy marble has increased just as much. Meanwhile, I’m having to redesign boards at work because supply chain issues in components.

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thanks so much. That is a great source.


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