365 Day Challenge Calendar

Some background on the why I designed this:

For the last several years, New Year’s Resolutions have bugged me. The lead up to the day always had people asking what my resolutions were, and every time I would tell them that I don’t make resolutions, which is only true when talking about “New Year’s”. The next thing I wanted to fix, was the mentality that there is a specific day you have to start doing things on, like Monday, as it’s the beginning of the week, or the first of the month. Why not start today?

I grew up in a troubled home, and when I was finally able to get out on my own, I was finally able to put my own ideas into motion, and see the flaws in how the people around me were living. We tend to put ourselves in a box, and each wall of the box is an excuse for being in said box: Comfort-ability, income, education, friends, family, those are a few labels we give our walls, and not to say that they’re negatives, this is just to outline my principle. With that said, we like to live by patterns, as well, which is a hard thing to break. This calendar is meant to help break that.

I designed it with a handful of things in mind:

  1. You don’t have to start on a specific day, in fact, I’d almost encourage starting on the most random day that you can.

  2. You also don’t have to do 365 consecutive days, this is only meant to help you do something 365 times. If you’d like to challenge yourself to do something 365 times in a row, I’ll talk about a color key in a little bit.

  3. The 7 sections at the bottom can be used for whatever you like. I designed it so you can use it as a color key, a mini 7 day challenge, or maybe used for milestones.

  4. Color Key - My original plan, for myself, was to have 3 colors representing my key, with each color representing either a full pass, middle, or fail, but I decided that I’m not doing the 365 consecutive challenge, so the colors didn’t need to be listed, which is when I added the 7 section.

  5. You can have multiple challenges, obviously, so maybe you can still use a color key with multiple challenges. The grid is quite large, and can easily fit multiple colors in each square.

  6. Be creative! Just because I have a handful of ideas on how I think this can be used, doesn’t mean it can’t be used for other things. Once you download this file, it’s yours to do with what you want. (Just don’t monetize it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

Again, this thing can be used for anything, like new designs, using your laser everyday, dietary change, exercise, saying something kind to somebody, calling a loved one, writing, watching paint dry, counting to 1327, or for whatever.

There are two designs I made, one has acrylic windows, and the other is just a plain sheet of your choice of material. If you download this, feel free to share what you’re going to use it for! I’m doing some lifestyle changes, I’d like to introduce exercise into my daily routine, eat healthier, and brush my teeth twice a day (I’m a one time a day kind of guy :man_shrugging:t4:)

Here’s a pic of what mine looks like, I just made it, and yes, I know, I started on a Monday, but that’s a mere coincidence! I can’t decide on whether I want to peel the masking off of the back of my acrylic or not, but I’ll figure it out eventually. I didn’t think about it until after I made this, but if you use Draftboard for the entire thing, you can paint it with chalkboard paint and make it reusable :upside_down_face:

This one has two files, one of which doesn’t include the added 7 bonus squares, and the other does.
365Challenge.zip (28.3 KB)

This one also has two files, but one is for the acrylic window, and the other is for your medium of choice.
365ChallengeAcrylicWindows.zip (29.4 KB)

Finally, the kerf isn’t perfect, so you’ll need a little bit of glue for the acrylic windows, so that’s just a heads up!


Great idea! Sometimes you just need that little bit of extra motivation to make the change. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah I think it’s fun to be able to see the progress, too!


Fabulous! Appeals to my idea for organization and self improvement. :+1:


Nice and expandable project. Kind of you to share the files. Was also nice to read the thoughts behind the project.


I guess I’m dense…I need to see it in operation to understand how to use it!

Love it. This is a great concept, thanks for sharing with us.

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I salute your motivation, and applaud your sharing it! I need to apply it. :+1:

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Perhaps you cannot see the grid? There’s a grid throughout the middle section that equates to 365 individual squares to be filled in as you hit daily goals. The acrylic inserts are good for dry erase markers to make it reusable, it since you’ll use it for at least a year’s worth of time, you could just use a sharpie and paint over it when it’s filled in or dispose of it :+1:t4:

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Adding a tiny hole at the bottom to string a marker through will mean the means to check off a day is right there :slight_smile:


I had considered this, and even was going to make a design with a shelf attached to it, but decided that if I’m too lazy to pull a marker out, then I’m not doing a good job of being a more proactive person :sweat_smile:


Cool idea! I should use this to back off the chocolate a bit. :chocolate_bar:


I can’t condone such things!

What a purposeful design and an inspiring philosophy. Looks like a excellent way to stay motivated - you’ve got this!

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