3D printing with Paper

I just watched this video about a 3D printer that uses paper to make 3D objects.

You can see it here: http://www.tested.com/tech/3d-printing/560464-meet-mcor-arke-full-color-paper-3d-printer/

I thought it was really cool. I’m wondering if you could use the GF to make something similar. You would have to stack and glue the paper yourself, which would be a labor intensive process. Aligning each layer properly might also be difficult. But if you had 2-3 registration holes on each layer that you could line up on small dowels, if should align pretty well.

I’m also wondering if it would work with a current inkjet printer. Print your layers on the printer, then cut them on the GF, then assemble them by hand.

Food for thought.


Makes my fingers hurt just thinking of this. I have tried glueing paper art before. Time intensive. Yes. Great results. Meh

Yeah, you could totally do that! On this scale it might be just super time consuming as @benwalker points out, but you can get some gorgeous results: http://www.eric-standley.com/
(this has been shared before on the forums: The work of Eric Standley)

I’m kinda curious to try this with plain white card stock and do a model of Rainier or something similar.

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Woods to pulp and back to wood composite. The Glowforge shall be my middle man. Lol


made me laugh… heh can event start an art gallery based on the subject eh?

I saw this when it was posted to Tested, I think it is interesting, but not quite there yet. Second generation perhaps.