A tabletop "fire" pot for cozy evenings with friends

Definitely more depth than the simple cube but curious why you went with a bayonet fit on the acrylic and fingers on the wood?

I have made many glow cubes most in “sea glass” but since I am using LEDs I continued the design across the top as a lid. I also included some gold filigree in the one in the catalog though it can be done without it.

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I like using fingers on the wood as accents to the overall design :blush:
Your cube is very nice! Just not the look I was going for here.


Does it have a middle shelf? Or are those extra fingers decorational engraves.

It’s a raised bottom for the candle. Then there’s a higher one with a cutout for the acrylic to go down and slot into the bottom. Creates two different levels so the light can be low compared to the glass if wanted :slight_smile: I just got some new tealights, and will take a few more pics!



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Welcome to the community cory3!

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Beautiful project!!!

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