Another passion of mine

I am really into electroluminescence

Here is my ‘EL bumper Sicker’ idea


Cover the whole car with it!

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in vegas??? NO ONE WOULD NOTICE!



One more video, I added some more ‘EL’ stuff(s)

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Great stuff!
@Deleted could you please point me in the right direction to learn more about electroluminescence and how you made this?
As if I didn´t already have enough rabbit holes to explore :joy:

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That is so cool!! I would love to make a big Westie for my SUV. What is the process?

How about illuminated garden art?

Here is a video. If this is the actual process there is no way I would do this project. It would take me six months to do a 3 inch Westie.


Here is an Instructable how I did it.



I am trying to find out what the actual EL panel is made from, IF its laser safe then use the GF to made some fun appliques / bumper stickers. You can get EL panels on eBay / Amazon, etc (they are not cheap) I think this will be a fun Rabbit hole to re-explore with my Lightsaber

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I was just visiting this site a few days ago and ordered several things…you will go nuts with everything on here.


I have spend many MANY dollars on Ada in Brooklyn.
several of my past instructables used adafruit boards and controllers


you can Buy a 4" x 8" EL panel, you don’t have to make one,

I buy a LOT of my el panels pre made on eBay, etc for TeeShirts and Modify them for my own use

Here is one I was working on for a Instructables Project:


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