Birthday Hat 🎉

I was trying to figure it out but I think I celebrated my first birthday on the campus of the University of Hawaii where my dad was getting his Masters degree, an.d living in student housing. Hawaii is a good place to have a first birthday.

It won’t be very long before he is designing stuff for you.


I can be distracted with cake, too, but I don’t look that adorable.


Haha we’re transplants so it isn’t nearly as big a deal to us as it is to the locals! I couldn’t believe the parties people threw for their one year olds here at first, but I get it now :tada:


Hello! I am in a pinch for a birthday party for my nephew and needing to make a hat this week. Do you happen to have this file available? I’d be willing to pay! Thanks!

Welcome to the forum.
It is against forum rules to ask for files - even if you are asking to purchase them. No big deal, everyone makes this mistake when they first get here.

I suggest you send a personal message to the designer of this file and ask.

Oh, he’s adorable! My own son (who I swear turned one a couple of years ago!) is now 25. Try to keep up!

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This is brilliant! Glowforge to the rescue!!!