Brain picking time!

I elected to use slate for garden markers, not affected by UV or water and the dark color gives great contrast with the bleached engraving.


Your work is great and your brother’s drawings are excellent. But I do have a sticky memory, except for names. I’m told it is very annoying.


Haha! Well, you’ve not done it enough to me to come even close. In fact, I actually fail to see why that would be annoying…I would probably be more envious than anything else…

The conversation usually goes like:
Her: “Do you remember that time you did …”
Me: “Yes. I also remember the time you did …, and the time …, and the time …, etc…”

It’s worse if you play dumb and try to let her win, because then you’re patronizing.

To recap: remembering everything she likes is good and makes for quality presents. Remembering everything she did is annoying when she’s angry.


I second this. Cedar is great. Cheap, and won’t even need finishing.

By the time it looks too gnarly to use, you will have a laser sintering printer to make a replacement out of titanium…

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If you coat anything enough, it will be waterproof. :wink: It may not float, but it will be waterproof.


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