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Has anyone brought anything from ESTY, I’ve brought 6 things and nothing loads to Glowforgebreadbasket.pdf (984.9 KB)

The design must be opened and the actual parts to cut separated from all the instructions of how to put the design together.

Your best bet is to contact the seller of the file for assistance. As stated above, you may have to open files and make some adjustments before uploading to your design library.

Also, unless you have permission from the seller, it is best not to share purchased files in a public forum.


Yes forgot about the second part, and I been working with seller and no dice. just wanted to know if anyone has the same problem

I just tried the bread basket – deleted the pages that aren’t part of the design, saved the file with just the two pattern pages, and it loaded just fine. Have you tried that? (I’ll PM you the modified file.)


Also, I’m moving this post to Everything Else, since Support can’t help with designs from other sources.

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Steve does these for a scroll saw audience primarily. You can download them directly from his website and are encouraged but not required to make a donation. I wasn’t aware he was selling them on Etsy.

You’ll need to break out just the pattern pages as @geek2nurse noted. But in addition you’re going to need to adjust things a bit because the kerf of a scroll saw blade is wider than the laser.

It’s worth pulling the pattern pages into Inkscape or other design software and using the editing features to enlarge tabs or shrink slots.

Scroll saw patterns are great for lasers but they’re starting points, not GF ready to print designs.

BTW, Steve sells his complete library on USB for a ridiculously low price so it’s worth buying it so he makes a bit of money. He pumps out designs by the truckload :slightly_smiling_face:


I don’t know where he’s based, but that design catalog feels super “heartland american” in some weird way to me. I’m not drawn to stuff like this but he certainly is prolific.


Yep, that’s Steve. :grin: I’ve used his stuff in laser classes to get people started. They’re good to kick start the thought process and help with tangible examples of things like raster/vector formats in PDFs, editing & customizing, etc. I’ve found that most folks aren’t really designers, they’re more modifiers

Steal like an artist.


thanks im new to everything you said but I will do it tonight after work thanks alot

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