California relief map

What I mean is that its very easy to have DEMs represented / rendered in a nice gradient’d raster, immediately suitable for 3d engraving.

Coming in late with a suggestion that might be useful: If you do a fast final pass at high speed and appropriate power, you can zap off the char. Which may or may not be an effect you want.


This is the grayscale heightmap for Houston,

I think you need to dust your acrylic.

It is a jpg of Houston. The lake in the upper left is pretty obvious, and the black seaport in the lower right also. A vary power engrave in 1/4 inch material should lay the city out such that someone familiar with it could see what is what. The rivers, the flooded areas, and those that did not flood should show up also. Perhaps unlike most cases engraving on plywood might be extra interesting.

Extra interesting would be a way to put a street map on rice paper of something that could be touched onto the rough surface to be like it was piainted on.