Can you score or engrave mechanic's tools? Like a wrench?

So my boyfriend is a mechanic and some of the folks at his job like to borrow his tools when he’s not in the shop. The problem is they either leave his tools laying around and/or claim they don’t know what happened to his tools when he notices that they’re missing. So, I want to engrave his tools with something that differentiates his tools from the others. Is it possible to use the GF on mechanic’s tools?

Thanks in advance.

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You can mark them with Cermark or some other product but you cannot engrave or score them.


Booooo lol

Ok, thank you. I’m glad that I asked first. :slight_smile:

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You can still do cool things with marking them.


True but just not on the GF…the GF would be so much cooler. :smiley:

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No, you can mark them with Cermark and it turns the metal black and doesn’t come off.


Oh ok, good to know.

Thank you!

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There are many posts on here that have things people have used cermark on. Search for Cermark.


Ok, will do. :slight_smile: I’ve never heard of that.

I love this forum…it’s true, everyone on here is so helpful and friendly.


We all started in the same boat! Always feel free to ask. Someone will help you!


I definitely will.

Thanks again friend!

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Check out this article for an inexpensive solution. As always make tests first.


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Thank you, I’ll take a look at this.

Oh wow, awesome. Thank you so much!

Omg, I didn’t even realize that was included here.

Thanks for the heads up! :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s brutally expensive imo.

Thanks for sharing! Laser Bond is great stuff. I have some bottle openers in line to be marked when the GF returns from the shop.

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