Can't find the animals in the the zoo escape

I have the files to the box to the new file , zoo escape but no files for the animals. I’ve tried to redownload but no success. Help?

The file comes in 3 parts, one the acrylic and the other 2 plywood

The 1. plywood has the animals


Thanks for the answer @deirdrebeth, that’s right!

@pam4arts would you let us know if you were able to locate the other parts to the design?

No, I only see one file, no numbers.

Click “View All” in the lower right hand corner, and then enter “zoo” in the search box.

I only have page 2

On what page am I suppose to ask for see all

I think the problem is that the the two files for this design have gotten separated in your Dashboard so one is hiding further down on your list. If you make the popup info on the right side of your Dashboard disappear by clicking on the View All link towards the bottom right of the screen, you will get a search bar at the top right that will allow you to search for the second file that has the animals.


I will try it

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Yet another example of why folders is a good idea.

Even if only to keep purchased multi step designs together.


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