Cardboard scratch puzzles

Just moved to a new place and finally had some time to setup the GF. After setting it up I had to make something with it, but didn’t have anything in the queue. Thanks to Jigsaw puzzle generator for the puzzle generator, Google search for a public domain image, and Amazon for the random cardboard. I busted out this 4" x 4" octopus puzzle in about 20 minutes of laser time.

Slightly better than the first cardboard puzzle…


Neat! I really like the idea of using cardboard for this. You can do greeting card puzzles without using up your good stuff.

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Very nice! (And the first one is very minimalist!) :smile:

Nice work! You sure picked up the difficulty level after the first puzzle.

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Do you mind sharing which settings you used to get both the engrave & the cut? Our Glowforge just got in a couple of nights ago & I’m nervous about setting things on fire…