Centering wont stop!

My Glowforge is stuck on centering. I have cleaned and blown out the machine and fan units. Followed all of the instructions on the support page. I sent an email with pictures of the cable hook ups on the lid. I have reset the machine and reconnected to the internet. Turned off the modem and everything else and then restarted. I have read and tried everything I can find on the forums. Please help!!!

Oops, I didn’t know you’d already sent email, sorry. That also opens a support ticket. It’s best not to open multiple tickets, since that slows everything down. This thread will get closed once they find it, and they’ll continue to work with you via your email ticket. :slight_smile:

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Oh. I didn’t know that. I haven’t submitted a ticket before, so I wasn’t sure of the process. Thanks!


No worries, you’ll know next time. :wink:

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Hello @pungosignsdesigns - I’ve just sent a response out to your email on this issue, so I’ll go ahead and close this topic so that we can finish up via email.