Circle interpreted as a square in one of these two

These two images were prepared in Affinity Designer 1.6.0 for the mac

Affinity 4:

Affinity 3:


In the file …Affinity 4 the circle is drawn as a circle in GFUI. In the other it is drawn as a Square.

This seems like a bug somewhere.

<g transform="matrix(1.33333,0,0,1.33333,0,0)">
    <clipPath id="_clip1">
        <rect id="Background" x="0" y="0" width="1024" height="1024"/>
    <g clip-path="url(#_clip1)">
        <g transform="matrix(0.75,-0,-0,0.75,0,0)">
            <use xlink:href="#_Image2" x="0" y="0" width="1365.33px" height="1365.33px" transform="matrix(0.999512,0,0,0.999512,0,0)"/>
    <g transform="matrix(1.08759,0,0,1.08759,131.02,-12.5121)">
        <circle cx="350.102" cy="480.39" r="468.721" style="fill:none;"/>

I should probably have a word with affinity, too.

The second one isn’t showing up for me.

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Seeing first as a red outlined circle 6x6.
Second was an 8.5 inch white circle. Not seen until made the outline dark.
Oddness. I see two different size circles, you got a square.
Saw something about clipPath before, but would have to search for it.

Someone here will figure it out for you.

I opened the Affinity 3 file in Inkscape and while the circle is there, there is no stroke or fill assigned.

It would not even upload into the GFUI for me, this way.

I assigned a stroke to it, and it uploaded as a circle.

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ah, the stroke. Thanks for spotting that.

I thought I followed exactly the same steps to create the square in each instance, but I guess I must have changed something in between that left a 0 width line in the “3” file.

The error was mine, it seems.


Thanks for your help, @mpipes.

I’m going to close this thread - if you have any other questions, go ahead and post a new topic. Thanks for letting us know about this!