Cleaning & Warranty

From a warranty point of view,! I want to know more about cleaning.

I have been having issues with my air assist fan and cleaned it a few times but this time I removed the screws holding the fan to the chassis and find that I need to do a better job of the junk stuck there.

Same with the fan at the back of the machine - this needs unscrewing to clean properly.

How does this weekly maintenance affect the Warranty?


Weekly? I haven’t cleaned my air assist in 17 months. Can’t recall cleaning the exhaust fan yet either although I am probably not what you would call a heavy user either.


My machine runs for between 4-6 hours a day - mainly cutting Draftboard.

I use a lot of draft board as well but yeah not that many hours.

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The white areas on the back of that fan are supposed to be holes!!!

image image

That is a lot of crud. Maybe it’s time I took a closer look at my own.

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You might consider a better venting setup, with an external in-line duct/booster fan.

I ran an in-line fan pretty much since new (had machine since 2017), along with the built-in exhaust fan. I believe the additional airflow helped keep the interior clean, as I removed my carriage plate for the first time recently and the air assist fan looks almost new. I’ve only had to clean my optics a handful of times.


You’re supposed to clean your machine regularly, so I can’t imagine it would negatively impact the warranty as long as you’re following the basic guidelines for doing it. If you’re using corrosive materials to clean it, that may be another issue, but cleaning is good, especially if it needs to be cleaned!

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There does seem to be a good number of complaints that begin with “I just cleaned my glowforge and…” This leads me to believe there are some fragile connections in there that may be easily damaged if one gets over zealous with the cleaning routine.


But has that negatively impacted the warranty or are they able to get repairs?


I have that now - I believe with a mirror of your setup - 6” inline fan - so maybe this is the last time it will look so bad!!!

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Yes - but the cleaning instructions don’t mention taking screws off - which to get to this dirt to clean properly it needs to be ‘taken apart’ - I was looking for confirmation of where does it start affecting the warranty - where is the line

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Aha. I guess that’s a question for the legal team, but I will say: Generally speaking, GF seems to be quite good about stepping up to the plate on things like this. I don’t know how they would know that you’ve removed the screws to begin with, but I would be very surprised to see them quibble with you on warranty over what is basically routine/expected cleaning.

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I don’t know.

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The warranty is here, and I can’t say anything to change or interpret it.

Our cleaning instructions are available in the support site, too. We don’t generally recommend the cleaning you’re showing, as it’s possible to damage your machine accidentally if you undertake this sort of cleaning. If there wasn’t a problem caused, though, we normally wouldn’t know about it and it wouldn’t impact the performance of your Glowforge.