Condensation in my GF and now after a few days it says Camera not found

I hope someone has experienced this and can help. I found my GF with a good amount of condensation. After I disconnected the hose from the vent, dried it up and now it is getting an error " camera not found". I did the troubleshooting but still same error. HELP

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Others have had this problem, and the lesson is to disconnect your vent hose when the machine is not in use or install a blast gate.

It could be that your Glowforge has not completely dried out. Don’t turn it on. Open the lid and circulate air for a day or two. Then try again.




If condensation got into the electronics and the machine was powered on, it may have caused a short that permanently damaged it.

You could try leaving the lid open and set up a fan to circulate air for a day or two. The main control board is under the shield on the right side, so it could take some time to dry that out.


I installed a blast gate just for that reason! I’m fine now

One area that’s not well protected is the ribbon cable connectors. People often get liquid in them while cleaning, it shorts stuff out, and that’s the end of it. If it were me trying to dry out my machine, I’d also unplug the ribbon cables so the air can get in there and ensure they’re also dry. Be careful though, those things are also fragile and easy to insert crooked, which can also zap the machine.


Thank you. I turned it on after it seemed to be dry. We dried it out as much as possible and left it there open for about a day. Then I turned it on and that is when I got that message.

Thank you, No it was not powered on when wet. I turned it on after it seemed to be dry. We dried it out as much as possible and left it there open for about a day. Then I turned it on and that is when I got that message.

Thank you. Yes I notices. Very delicate.

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