Design insights from the Catalog

First of all, apologies to those folks who don’t have their GF quite yet – you won’t be able to see what I’m talking about, but you’re going to love this when you do!

Ok — What’s he on about this time?

I’ve been buying and making quite a few items from the Design Catalog and they have been great so far. One thing that really impresses me is the design considerations, i.e. engineering, that has gone into them.

My latest purchase was the Silhouette frame shown below (this is the back). The attention to detail in the corner joins and the method of visually indexing each of the many pieces is making me re-think the way I design for the GF. :thinking:

YMMV, but the insights I’m gaining by purchasing some of these designs are worth way more than the catalog price…

No, this isn’t the one I made. Just suffered a Goofy Glue ™ incident (par for me :roll_eyes: ), so it’s not quite ready to share…


Totally… just in buying one of the little votive holders and looking at how it assembled changed my way of thinking for 3d designs that I haven’t got around to doing (or designing) lol.


I like the back on that, a lot! (Might have to spring for that one.) :sunglasses:

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