Distinguishing cut vs score lines after loading

Hi All. New to gf.

I designed a chimney scene this weekend using inkscape. It is 3 walls that have score lines for the bricks.

When I load it, I cannot select the bricks and tell the software to score it. I can only select everything to do a single action. In total, my project had about a dozen pieces and after loading them they all acted as a single unit after loading. To get around this, I had to safe the file multiple times and load it in pieces.

Is it possible to create the svg or import the svg so that it won’t act as a single unit?


Make the lines you want to use for different operations different colors.

I recommend following the “Your First Prints” tutorial: https://support.glowforge.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033633394-3-Make-a-Gift-Tag-from-Scratch


If your are using Inkscape you can change the line color by changing the stroke color. This will allow separate operations when you upload the file


thank you both. Will try this tonight!

Thanks, @chris1 and @gamn1958 for the assist.

@spencewatson if you have any more problems as you are getting started, feel free to open a new support ticket. I’m going to close this for now.