Dymaxion Globe - Optimized for Glowforge!

@evansd2, @nathan2 , @Primalmoon, @jjmacdougall, @kirruu.berry, @CharlesDarwin

Hey guys, I printed two copies of this on proofgrade medium draftboard and am having trouble even getting started to attach the connectors.

I have the map laid out as shown in the diagram, but how to connect the pieces is mind-boggling to me. Any directions - pictures or video would be best but can do my best with a text description of how to put this together. Thanks so much in advance for any help with this!

Wow that is awesome.

Here’s a related older thread that claim a how to.

@wesleyjames In the link you sent, the pieces are quite different than the Globe discussed in this thread ( the one I made). For example, the connector pieces are wooden angled slabs instead of straight screws and the circular pieces don’t include a point. Thanks for sharing the link… am not finding it helpful in this case though.

Hmm…sorry about that then. I saw the design here and recognized the basic layout and just search for the globe type. It’s been a while since those other designs were fresh and I didn’t stop to compare.

Scratching my head here…just exactly where do the circular notched pieces go?

Never mind. Once I actually cut the pieces, it was obvious

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This is my rendition of @CharlesDarwin version of this project.

I favored the corner reinforcements design instead of the lateral clips in @geek2nurse design, but I also wanted a clean rendition of the map, so I engraved :glowforge: self adhesive veneer at 103% scale to try to cover a little more of the panel joints.