Error message

Ive been getting this error message since last night. My first print went great then about 20 minutes later I tried to do a new print and got this message. I thought maybe I had tried using it to soon after the first and turned it off for the night. I tried again this morning and am getting the same error message.

Error: FATAL_PRINT_ERROR: MOTION_PLANNING_ERROR Error: Bad response 422 from server for /api/prints KTF-632

Is there something I can do about this sooner then later? I needed this print done today. Im rather disappointed, I had to return a faulty machine and I set this new one up yesterday and now its having problems. I checked the forum but it seems like the problem solved itself for others quickly and mine is still not corrected itself.

Also I don’t think it could be the file as it is one that is straight from the catalog, and it is the same print that I did just prior. I didn’t use magnets and there is not residue or debris in the machine. The only thing I’ve used in this machine is proofgrade thick leather.

Not my area, but I believe that a motion planning error means that some data got corrupted at some point when the file and instructions were being sent back and forth to the server. (Might have been a blip in the Wifi at some point along the route.)

If it’s a catalog file, you can reset it by opening it new in the GFUI, then clicking the little three dots icon […] and choose Reset in the popout panel. Try that and see if it works. (You’ll lose whatever artwork you’ve added to it, and will need to reload that.)


Thanks!!! That worked.


I’m glad you resolved it! I’m going to close this thread. If you run into any other trouble, please start a new topic, or email us at We’re here to help!