File will not upload anymore

They do. I don’t know why but now they are opening with my origional files. I cannot figure out why this is happening.

This smells like a problem with the browser perhaps. Try a different one to see if it follows the browser or stays in your original browser. Even if it’s not the browser, you’ve eliminated one possibility with the test.

I’m so sorry to hear about the trouble you’ve been experiencing with some of your design files. Based on the responses from the community, it looks like they have provided some great next steps to help you resolve the trouble. I’ll move this post over to “Everything Else” so that the discussion can continue there.

It wasn’t the browser but my internet. I came to work with my computer and everything is working fine now. Must just be a really large file that my internet service couldn’t handle. I have uploaded them to my dashboard and everything is uploading fine. Glad I know the issue. Just wish I could get better internet service :frowning:

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wouldn’t be size itself that would be the issue. But if you are dropping packets while it’s trying to upload the file, it could time out possibly. I’ve never had issue myself so haven’t had to troubleshoot in person. But that would be my guess. There are a few tests you could do to determine if you are getting packet loss, but at this point it’s academic if it’s working for you. You could also try using your phone as a hotspot, or simply set up the job on your phone and see if that works as well.

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