Finally! (Redux....apparently this title has already been used.)

One or two of these have been on my “next trip” list for a while. My only potential concern was the rigidity/support of the drawer bottoms – would they hold a full drawer of PG ply, for example?

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Happy Cakeday! :wink:


Happy Cakeday @dwardio!

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As far as I can tell, yes. Or at least close. It’s a big honking serious unit. Although maybe if you filled the bottom drawers the slides would complain. Happy Cakeday!

Also, they make a narrow alex that’s good for supporting a tabletop with drawers that can hold smaller stuff like proofgrade leather and offcuts and such.

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Added an Alex unit to my workshop today – as others have said, it’s a perfect filing system for Proofgrade materials as well as appropriately sized non-PG. For $119, my only regret was I didn’t go ahead and pick up two!

I did pick up two. Though I realized after I got them all built that I already have more 24" material than I realized/remembered. :rofl::blush:

Edit: add emoji. Essential.

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