Flux collector

There are help groups (like this community) to help you become a functional addict… :rofl:


not clear what you mean by base. The structure is in the above file. The electronics are discussed as well. Pasted again below for your pleasure. The program code is not posed but if one is able to get an arduino working, then loading in the neopix examples and editing to meet your needs would be within reasonable reach and a fun DIY.

The light source for each is an led panel made by Adafruit. the smaller one is 5 rows of 8 and the other is 8 rows of 8. I love Adafruit as they have helped me learn so much over the years. That said, their stuff is pricey. So an 8 x 8 panel could be sourced for less on the interwebs vs the Adafruit price for similar (but you get no support and that matters). These panels are not smart. They need a brain, so there is a tiny microprocessor board in there as well that feeds the panel with the info needed to coordinate the lighting and some custom code had to be written to run the thing. I use a tiny arduino compatible board called the trinket pro (also from Adafruit but there are tons of options out there). The program on the brain tells the LEDs what color to be. They can all be the same, or random, or slowly fade across the color spectrum as one of these photos shows, or have each 4th row be the same and have the difference between rows be a constant difference in color and have the whole thing slowly move through the color spectrum (which is what the bigger one is doing). I added a button to allow some control as well. long pushes change the brightness (off to full bright in 5 steps). short pushes change the pattern playing on the leds as described previously.

if you start from the top. I think there are links for everything in the first few posts.

I’m glad someone brought this to the top of feed. It’s a beautiful piece of work.

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Thanks Mark