Font Addiction

I downloaded it…I don’t see any way to get it to view the fonts I already have installed – you can point it to directories on your hard drive that have fonts in them, and it shows Google fonts, but not the already-installed ones.


This made me laugh. Reminds me of something…

EDIT: Sorry @geek2nurse I hit the wrong “reply” button. this should be a reply to the full thread.


Ugh, I made a poor life choice of copying all of them because I was busy wrangling my daughter while she was doing school work this morning. It broke my computer and actually gave me a blue screen crash lol.
Now that I have deleted them all I have to start sifting through them to find what I need.

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System fonts and such are all in /Library/Fonts - just point it there.
Custom/added fonts go into ~/Library/Fonts.


Things always seem to really go sideways during zoom school. I think my computer gets jealous.

Well I don’t have MacOS so it’s hard from me to say. All my graphic designer colleagues love Fontbase, Mac or PC.

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Got this bundle too…too many temptations.

but HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT WORDMARK!! Thank you, it’s great! :slight_smile:

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They’ve fixed the Aervish font – you can re-download file #3 to get it. :slight_smile:

Thanks @ekla. I’ll check it out closer. I try to limit what I download and superficially I wasn’t seeing much difference.

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:smile: I know, that’s what I said up above. ^^^^ (Just kidding. :slight_smile: Thnx Ruth.)

Oops, I missed that, sorry! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I can say downloading all these fonts have broken my inkscape whenever I try using the text feature, slow computer

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You’re not really supposed to install every font.

Use a font browser to choose the one you want, then install it as needed.

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So I just discovered lol

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That’s what Fontbase is for!

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