Geekwire article

A quick skim of posts and pics. Not linear and the numbers are real close but still approximate.

$1,000,000+ Sept 24
$5,350,000 Oct 2
$6,000,000 Oct 4
$7,000,000 Oct 7
$8,000,000 Oct 9
$9,500,000 Oct 13
$10,000,000 Oct 14
$18,700,000 Oct 21
$21,500,000 Oct 22
$27,907,995 Oct 24

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Oh, this is so complicated. The simplest answer is it all depends on how big a factory you have.

Contract manufacturers, here and overseas, certainly have the capacity. Itā€™s perfectly feasible for a contract house to build 10,000 glowforges, then build 50,000 RC cars, and then build another 10,000 glowforges. Itā€™s more in the execution of transferring the glowforge out of development and into production. Ideally you write your manufacturing process, build about 5 and refine. Then you take your refined process to the contract manufacturer and they build fifty or a hundred and you see if it needs to be refined again. Then you ramp up production. A factor at play here is how easy is it to screw up the process? It is one thing to have the contract manufacturerā€™s best employees build a hundred units and another for the floor to build a hundred a day with a high level of quality. A well engineered product is also engineered for manufacturability; a good contract manufacturer has done this for years so they know what to look for and what to do and not do. Itā€™s what they do. If everything goes swimmingly it is doable. Even some bumps and it is doable.

Beyond the issue of daily volume is do they have 10,000 complete sets of parts? The old for want of a nail the kingdom was lost applies to manufacturing. I think it was GM a few years ago that had to shut down a couple of factories because of a shortage of windshield wipers. I think theyā€™ll assemble, at least at first, in North America, but if they do assemble in Asia, as rpegg suggests, factor in approximately 5 weeks for the containers to get from there to a West Coast port.


Thank you. Indeed educational. I am confident that the founders totally understand all this.

Iā€™m not much when it come to comments. I purchased the Glowforge based on what you said it will do. Please make sure you deliver when you have it perfected to do what you said it will do. Iā€™m also a hobbyist and canā€™t wait to get the Glowforge and not a so so machine.

Thanks and keep up the good work.



Your killin me ā€¦roflā€¦ :joy:

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