GFU Silver macbook pro setting


I am stuck at home for a few weeks and I thought I would engrave my mackbook pro’s. If it goes wrong I can blame it on my eye surgery. lol.

Does the “Silver Macbook Pro” material settings use the grate of should I remove it?

These are my logo’s . I think editing the round one to engrave right is about my ability ( at least today)…But the other one might work. On the other one…should I “score” or engrave since it a thinner line?

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Pretty sure they are all over half an inch. I had to prop mine up.

Make sure you use set focus before you place the artwork.

If you’re engraving that as a vector, you’ll be good. If it’s a bitmap/raster, it should be black for best results

For the second one, it just depends on how thick you want the lines. The score will only be the width of the beam at point of contact.

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Did you just use wood to prop it up?

I think I used a bunch of chipboard sheets. Wood would work fine.

I think they are about .6” thick.

There are several files for risers to elevate your material to the proper height without the tray here in the forum.


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