Glowforge discounts

Part of why we founded Glowforge was that we thought laser cutting/engraving technology was ridiculously unaffordable. My first laser was a $11,000 device that tooks months to arrive from China. It was a nightmare to get working and required me to spend hours learning optical alignment, debugging software, and other nonsense.

From the very start, we wanted to create a laser that was powerful enough to work in 1/4" plywood and acrylic, leathers, engrave stone… but cost less than a desktop 3D printer. We haven’t locked in our launch price yet, but our initial earlybird units will cost half of what we’re ultimately going to charge at retail.

We’d love for you to get on the list to receive one - just sign up on the home page at

But wait, as they say! There’s more!

We want to help get the word out. After you sign up, you’ll get a referral link. This is a unique address that you can share with your friends. If just one single friend signs up with that link, you’re going to get $100 off the Glowforge price on launch day. If you’re an overachiever and get 5 friends to sign up, your discount goes up to $150. It keeps going from there.

If you’ve already signed up for the list, just sign up a second time to get your special link - if you lose it, you can sign up a third time to see it again. And if you get lonely, or bored, or just miss your old friend the link, well… you know what to do.

In all seriousness, I really appreciate you helping to get the word out. We’re really excited about what we’re building and it’s just about ready to share - we can’t wait to get it out in the world!


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