Glowforge for school

Has anyone ever relocated their Glowforge from home to school? I want to take mine to the school where I teach so my students can start a business. Everything I read sounds so confusing. Does the machine need it’s own dedicated email address? Can anyone describe the relocation process in easier terms than what I’ve read? Thank you.

I don’t know what you’ve read, but moving the Glowforge is not that hard. Secure the machine as if you were sending it back (remove the printhead and pack securely, secure the carriage arm with the orange bits that were there when you unpacked your machine and secure the lid).

As for using the machine at your school, you can create an additional user account that your students can use or let them use your existing account. You will need to get the Glowforge onto the school wifi and that is sometimes a problem that requires the IT folks from the school. Finally, you will need to vent the machine to the outside or use the Glowforge filter. If at all possible, vent outside as the filter option is quite expensive.


FYI Glowforge has a big program to help educators integrate their lasers into schools. They have premade lessons, tutorials, live chats and staff you can talk to:


It doesn’t need its own email address, but if your school has special requirements for Wi-Fi access like white listing, you may need to contact your IT department before completing set up.


Thanks everyone! I’ve found a senior student that is very tech savvy and will be going into engineering after graduation and he has volunteered to take charge of this! I think he is going to treat the machine as if it is a person and assign it an email, etc.


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