GlowForge Issues

Good Morning,
My Glowforge laser is not firing. I was in the middle of a lair project when the laser suddenly stopped working. I can no longer see the laser firing through the tube.

I have checked the setting, checked the mirror, checked the printer head, reconnected the internet, purchased an internet extender, and attempted to print the Gift of Good Measure. No results at this time. Any help would be great! this machine was so expensive and I have only done a few print on this one before it stopped working. Super disappointing!

I’m sorry you’re having a bad morning. We’re all just other owners like you and some folks may chime in with some suggestions to help you, but you may need to call support directly @ 1-855-338-2122. Best of luck to you.


Definitely contact support and follow their diagnosis advice. If the unmodified Gift of Good Measure is not printing, it’s likely terminal.

The amount of use has far less to do with the use of the tube than simply its age. But it could also be a power supply failure. Either way, there’s no “community fix” for those issues.


Thank you!

Thank you! Appreciate the assistance. Im so sad…

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