Glowforge Plus stuck in Cancelling

Help!! I have a glowforge plus, yesterday I cleaned the laser head and when I went to load a new design the program (app) is saying cancelling. It has been spinning, I tried a hard restart, reboot to factory setting, disconnected and reconnected to wifi, unplugged power over night etc… Im stuck. Glowforge has yet to call back from tech support so I am lost.

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There’s a widespread issue right now; they’re working on it. You can see updates here:


You may need to give them a call with your serial number to get yours unstuck – I’m seeing reports that “stuck canceling” doesn’t always resolve itself.


Latest update from Support (10:05 am PST, 7 Jan 25):



I’m also having this issue on a Pro. The only way to get it unstuck is to call? I’ve tried multiple browsers, but it still shows cancelling.

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It says operational but I’m STILL stuck in canceling!!!


Ive been on hold forever.

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hi! why do all categories say “operational”? Both my lasers have been down for two days with the continued “cancelling” issue. I hope they don’t think its fixed, have you seen an update on that?

Like I said above, the “canceling” issue seems to frequently need to be fixed by customer support on their end, so you should get in touch with them. The other errors should all resolve themselves.


I called Glowforge three times yesterday and left call back information as the automated line hung up on me. Is there a better way to reach them vs calling? This is day 4 down totally stinks lol

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Their phones now say there are no support people available and it hangs up on you.

I know so how do we get someone to help reset the machine?

still down also same issue, no response from them

Mine was stuck on canceling for about 48 hours. I submitted a ticket. They replied to me that it was connected to issues they were having but now fixed. I was able to get it up and running this morning. Ran two jobs and now stuck on scanning. Status says all is running find but obviously not.

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Go through the troubleshooting steps before you blame the software. This is a VERY common error message and likely has nothing whatsoever to do with the recent outage.

Thank you. I have. Several times. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you tell us which things you’ve tried, we can maybe help think up some things you haven’t while you’re waiting on customer support.