Glowforge ported outside (pics) however room STINKS?

it’s not the sharpness of the turn as far as I know it’s the total degrees of bend of all the turns involved. You might want to test seeing if you can find things you can place on the table under the glowforge that won’t block the inlet vents that can raise it or the table up to the window height so you go straight out the window and then only a 90 degree bend down to the bottom of the hose through the window. instead of 90 degrees up to the window then 180 degrees through the window to straight down for a total of 270 which is 90 over the limit.

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also, don’t expand the whole hose like that. it creates a longer run than necessary. that’s probably forcing the air to travel 2x the distance to get to the window than needed.

It looks like it is a bit twisted that you could take about 360 degrees out of those turns and see amazing improvement just on that. Any bend in the opposite way you are headed is probably a problem. back, up, to the right down the window sill and to the left out the hole would be shorter and fewer bends. Moving the hole out the window closer to the exhaust would make it better yet if that is possible and one of these in the line out the window would be even better.

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yes, like shops says. either shorten the hose or if you don’t want to do that compress it down and tape it so it doesn’t re-expand.

A quick search shows me there are at least 50" similar items…

if you don’t need to move the GF with the hose attached, you can actually take aluminum tape and wrap the hose. that gives you the benefit of making it rigid in place as well as potentially sealing up any leaks in the foil hose.

personally, one of the first things i did was replace that foil hose. they’re notorious for pinhole leaks in the foil, which will also create odors in the room.

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Thanks for the answers @ihermit2 and @shop , that’s right. I’m going to close this thread - if the problem reoccurs, go ahead and post a new topic.