Glowforge remote button pusher

I use a switchbot, and is integrated into Alexa. Since I’m in a wheelchair, this really helps me not have to maneuver around to press the button, even though I’m pretty close. Some may call in lazy, but for someone with a disability, I’m always looking to automate my life. Your DIY solution is great. Thanks for the video!

EDIT: Technically, I have an Echo Button on my desk that when pressed starts a routine that has the switchbot press the actual button. I can Ask Alexa to turn on my Glowforge, but the big Echo Button works just fine.


Thank you for all the great feedback, It sent me back to the drawing board to come up with a cleaner look . I will be posting a tutorial for any that are interested this week .I am working on tying it into a echo but right now you need to use a cellphone to control it

I’d be interested in your efforts/results here. I have a couple of the ESP8266 but the sketches in the tutorials I’ve found no longer allow the device to be discovered. I’m working towards automated blind openers.

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check out this link I was able to get it to connect using this arduino code ,im still modifying to fit my purpose but hopefully this works for you


Thank you, I had not seen that approach. I like the idea of using the Hue emulation - that by itself would be even better for me, as I already have all of my “daily” lighting automated thru Hue, so the blind opening and closing could be controlled through that - which can then be controlled / over-ridden using spoken commands if needed. I’d just have to say “turn blinds on” or “off”, but the automation / timed operation is all I really need.

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LOVE IT!! Love the great inventions people make.
I was thinking about the same solution. 3Dprint or lasercut action all are allowed.