GlowForge Shoji louvered lamp video posted

Found this on youtube this morning

Just watched it and its really not a good video at all

This… it’s just some silent shots of panning around the thing, repeated for 6 minutes, with long periods of black in between? Maybe they accidentally posted the wrong video?

I posted it before I watched but yea it definitely was nothing like I would have expected

I am pretty sure just the very beginning of the video is what was intended to be uploaded to YouTube. The rest I suspect are the raw video that was shot to create the final product. I am amazed they are taking the time to not only answer all our questions here on the forum, but also shooting additional content here and there for our consumption. I applaud them!

This was in response to a question I had about how the louvers were attached. You have to pause at 1 second to see it. But @dan is a busy guy and I thank him.

I posted this elsewhere. TLDR: edited it, it’s 6 sec I had laying around from an early shoot. Sorry it’s not much but I figured it was better than nothing. : )


It’s a great visualization of how it’s put together. A good example of how to make more complex things with the GF!