Glowforge updates: the road to production

I agree. I think there have been several issues where I believe they’ve taken the voice of the forum into consideration.

I also understand the frustration so many here feel. I feel it to, very much. I think at this point, if it wasn’t for this forum I would have given up a while ago. It’s not that I don’t believe in the product, or maybe I should say what the product could be. But I’ve been frustrated (that’s the nice word for it) with the lack of communication, the seemingly half-truths, like announcing a shipping pro Unit to make it look like you’re meeting your schedule, when obviously you’re not really, or announcing shipping at the Maker Fair, and then just a trickle of units follow. I won’t lie, I feel like I’m being played at times, strung out, giving me just enough hope to hold on. I’m frustrated, even a little angry. Like others I ordered this to start a little side business. I have a son who will be a senior this year. College comes next. I don’t need it to survive, but the income could have helped, but it’s not like I had money to try something else and this too. Now it’s going to be too late, at least for what I had planned. When I ordered it he wasn’t even a junior, now it’s looking more and more like he’ll be just about through with his senior year before I can even start. So yea, frustrated. I choose to be positive becuase I know being negative won’t help. But even then there is dissapointment and frustration, and some days anger. It’s okay to say it. While I still hope that Glowforge becomes the kind of company you can trust, it’s beginning has been less than stellar and it has a lot of room to make up, a lot of broken trust to rebuild, but here’s hoping.


I’d call any mention of crowd funded marketing. Just like they called it a 3d laser printer, pure marketing buzz words. It’s the Deluxe Crowd Funded Non-GMO 3D Free Range Cloud Enabled Laser Printer. It’s like silicon valley farm to table fresh!


Winner! Best comment of the day!



You forgot “Gluten Free”. . .


And “Organic”.


I don’t have a way to point you to a specific statement. It has been too long and there is too much possibility of change.

As someone who received my GF a few days ago, this one is huge. I have about 20 files basically ready to go. As it is, I’ve still spent a few hours adjusting the files now that I have my machine, but having them mostly ready to burn has been really helpful. I’ve been able to concentrate learning my GF versus spending hours and hours working on files.


thanks, it may have been the same page I had…
I was not aware of what all of this word game is about…
It gets sneakier and sneakiest.

It is, at this point, a words with fiends… Indeed.
Who cares about arguing about crowdfunding or not when they said december 2015 and failed miserably so far. That’s the end of the game, right there

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Vegan :smile:

I heard a commercial for gluten free makeup. There’s really makeup that’s not gluten free? :roll_eyes:

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you can find wheat products used as thickeners in some skin care products. it wouldn’t surprise me to see it end up in lipstick, maybe.

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Also “Cruelty Free”