Got my golden email!

Finally got the golden email last Friday!!! Right on time from the estimate in the system (it did slip back 2 weeks from the initial estimate but who’s counting). I already received the box of laser food today (haven’t even opened it yet)…

I can’t believe the wait is almost over… I have so many projects lined up… excited to join the ranks users from stalkers on the forum… crossing my fingers that the shipping is smooth.

Is the kit of proofgrade stuff standard? Does everyone get the same content? Also, where do we get the details on the cupon from inventibles?


Congrats! Yes, everyone gets the same starter set of Proofgrade materials. Your personal coupon code is included in one of the confimation emails (sorry, can’t remember exactly which one).

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The Inventables coupon code is in the e-mail that announces that your ProofGrade kit is on the way (with the tracking number). It sometimes arrives after the ProofGrade shows up depending on how close to Tennessee you live.

That e-mail goes out somewhere between one week and five after you said yes to the golden e-mail.

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Thanks for the info. I’ll wait for the email. The Proofgrade kit made it to Michigan today and there isn’t an email with the tracking info (that I really don’t need at this point)… I’ve waited this long, what’s a few more days…

I’m finally letting myself get excited… so much stuff to vaporize (insert evil mad scientist laugh here)



I never got the email, but I checked with support and they resent it. Maybe give them a week or so.

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