Gratitude to my Glowforge family

I just want to say THANK YOU @dan, your team, and this community.

Sure, @dan, you were very very late. Very :grin:. But in that time I have gotten to know the people in this community much better than if you had delivered on time. We have gone through a lot together. We grew as a family based on our common interests. Also based on our collective frustrations I really treasure this forum and this community.

I truly love this machine. It has fast become my favorite tool. Great product But the laser + forum have made it KILLER. They go together.

This community is generous and dynamic. You are who I go to show off my accomplishment and turn to with my problems. And, I always get an answer. I can count on that.

So I am grateful and I wanted to share that.
Thank you all!

Your humble family member,



We really have quite the collection of creative intellect here. Engineers, artists and tinkerers interests all converge around this tool we were drawn to.

We all placed our bet on this project, and hung on through the emotional trial of patience together. You make tight friends in tight places.

Well said. I am humbled by it, and proud to be part of it.


Well Said! This community is the reason that I stuck with GF as I looked at other options.

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Ditto! As an ECE, building one was an option as well but I didn’t want to lose access to this group :smile:

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