Hello! Just one question for now

Just got set up just wanted to say hello!
My Glowforge partner wants to know if we can both be listed as “owners” we split so we both want the same status. Other than that pretty cool look forward to meeting you all!


No idea but welcome to the Glowforge community.

Welcome to our humble abode!

You will want to post in Problems and Support, or send an email, regarding that.

To the best of my knowledge, the answer is no - the machine has to be tied to an email address, there can only be one.


Pretty sure @eflyguy is right. One official owner.

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(Available on Prime… that’s the next couple of hours of background noise taken care of!)


You can assign as many users as you wish or you could have a single name and share the password. You can each have your own access to the forum under different names but the “owner” will be the name and email on the check, and that will be the “official” communications point of contact.

An email to Support could perhaps get you both “owner” status in the group, but unless you create a joint email to be the official email there will be only one, and the one who signs the check is always the superior.

Otherwise it is easy to have any number of nightmares of couples breaking up and Glowforge understandably does not wish to be legally in the middle of that.



This doesn’t really make a lot of sense. The issue with “owner” isn’t one of access to the GF. Final access to the GF goes to the person who has it in their physical space. The “owner” thing is a Discourse issue. Anyone without owner status has limited posting rights here on the forum. In addition to it being just sort of an irritation, it’s a pretty big problem when people need support. They can only post a few times in a topic before being blocked. There are other Discourse features that you can’t even access without owner status. And you can’t get to the higher trust levels on the forum.

It is two different but linked things. I think that the “owner” status in Discourse can be managed by Support. There are several folks here the husband wrote the check and the wife is the artist, or they got it as a gift and support had to sort it out, usually through email so we don’t see the result other than the folks post.

Perhaps someone who has been through it can say what it looked like on the inside.

Yeah, it has come up numerous times. Here’s one where we can see the resolution: How do you share owner status & achieve basic trust level?

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I knew someone was going to pull out that meme for me! In fact when I was writing that in my mind I was Contemplating how many Highlander posts were going to be made



Sorry to hear of the break up, but glad it gave you an opportunity to post! :slight_smile:

Also, thanks for asking the question, now I can say I really did learn something new today. :wink:

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