Holiday desk decoration season is upon us! Dec. 23rd is Festivus!

After a comical conversation with a coworker yesterday, I couldn’t wait to get home and whip up this bad boy

Technically I could have designed the whole thing on the GF, but really wanted a “real looking” unadorned aluminum pole. Grabbed some Hard Maple scraps from the wood shop for the base and used some 5 min Epoxy on the leg blocks.

There are some overlapping vectors on the text, and after it had printed, wanted to put zero more effort into re-printing. I’ll fix it on the next one for my wife.

…now for some airing of grievances and feats of strength…


I find the sign distracting. :wink:


I was conflicted with that very aspect. Especially with the Biceps at the bottom to represent the “Feats of Strength”. One thing is for sure, selling this is an absolute no-no due to the non-commercialism nature the holiday stands for. I do find it incredibly ironic that these can be purchased online.


That’s funny. :grin:

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