How to change the delivery address?

How to change the delivery address?


My understanding is the delivery address will be asked for close to your shipping. If you have provided an address that is likely only for billing.

Yep, what ihermit2 said. Just don’t change your email address. They may not ask for the shipping address for many months.


um…i am still waiting the request of shipping address~~ Do you know when i can got the shipping date?..Thanks :smiley:


The reason the company has not asked for a shipping address is because many people will change addresses before the product is ready to be shipped. Shipment is planned for anytime in the first half of 2016 for the 30 day preorders. The company has a good development plan but that depends on technical and S/W progress. GF will ask for an address very close to shipping your GF. I assume this will happen via email.


@rpegg is spot on.


Is this still true? Just closed on our new house with room for an artist studio! Can. Not. Wait. for the glowforge!

Yes, @rpegg is still right. :slight_smile:

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Wow. Didn’t even have to do anything to be right.

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Moving into our new house in about three weeks. Cant wait to get the GF. Keep telling people about tim and they are all jealous.