How We Troubleshoot

Thank you for the insight Jae!
I had always wondered what the post op pictures were about. I never thought it was anything nefarious, but nice to know.
That gives us a better understanding of how deep the roots of support extend. Great to have such a team in our corner!
Another example of the innovations glowforge brings.

I’m really glad you other users fessed up, I was afraid that was discreetly pointed at me. :sweat_smile:


She was pointing directly at you…we’re only trying to be supportive and throw her off track…so you wouldn’t get into so much trouble. :rofl:


Yeah, before it was edited, the original post said:

"@jbmanning5 and @dwardio and @PrintToLaser How you can help

Let your Glowforge finish the cooldown cycle before you open the lid; otherwise we will not get the post-print photo. The cooldown cycle should typically take less than a minute or two. Put your patience pants on."



This might be a good post to add to the matrix.


Good idea! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I don’t have my machine yet so it is hard to offer UI/UX feedback. I am also not a lawyer, friendly or otherwise. However, it occurs to me that if the confidentiality issue is a hassle in the office, perhaps you can offer the user some kind of checkbox in the support ticket that lets them waive confidentiality. If I am using some free art from the internet, or if I don’t care about my copyright on my test case art, I am more than happy to waive confidentiality if it will help you troubleshoot an issue.

Anyway, good post, thanks for the info!


What is the indication that the cool down is done? Fans turn off? I feel like my Glowforge is either idle humming or printing. I don’t remember hearing an extra fan after the print. (But maybe that is because I pop the lid open as soon as it is done! oops)

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How does fullstory factor in to troubleshooting, or is it just for seeing how the interface is used?

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I’m such a brown-noser. I ALWAYs wait for the second LED flash before opening the lid.


My nose is only a sort of a light beige. :roll_eyes: Sometimes I do…sometimes I don’t. From now on though, I will wait since there’s actually a valid reason to do it.


Aw snap! I just watched a print end and waited…waited…waited…

Fan turns off. “tick tick tick - tick tick tick”. Button flashes.

I guess it is cooled off. Right?

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It’s an important part of our commitment to you that your data and designs are treated with caution and care.

I don’t think Customer Success uses it, but when changing a feature, we’ll look at dozens of random sessions where the feature is used to see what people are doing and if they’re successful. It’s another one we use sparingly and with self-imposed restrictions to treat your data with appropriate care.


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I thought that the indication that the cool down is done is in the upper right of the UI where it will return to “Ready”? My machine will run the fans after the print, and then flash the picture, and then sit for a few moments before that button in the UI changes from Cooling to Ready (There is also a tiny bit of animation that the darker teal blue will surround the circle button looking thing when it changes to say “Ready”)


I have done several prints since I first read this thread and I have seen no change in the lights after the cool down is done. Is this an indication of a malfunction?

So that’s way more patience than I have. I figure the progress screen goes away, I’m opening the lid and going in :slight_smile:

My nose is fish-belly white :wink:

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I find this a little funny - I watched everything the GF did on the first day and since my process has always been:

  1. Load material.
  2. Turn on the Glowforge.
  3. Go do my layout and prep my job. By the time this is ready the calibration has finished.
  4. Run the job.
  5. Wait for the camera lights to flash after the fan turns off. I don’t know why I decided to do this. I figured it was doing something important.
  6. Either turn off the GF if I am done or open the door to remove the job and install new material.

I have had one instance where I had to move the head manually to get out of the calibration message and one instance where I had to restart my browser to clear a problem. I don’t know if my jobs are just really simple or if this operations method makes a difference.

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It’s not that. I also wait until it’s fully “cooled down” before opening the lid, post-light-flashing. Often I’ll wait a minute longer to let more lingering smoke clear out through my booster fan. Yet I occasionally experience the head crash or calibration failures. I think it is purely an optical phenomenon, independent of how you shut down the machine. The camera takes a picture, the great machine learning brain in the cloud stares at it for a bit and says “I think that’s the print head over there”, and sometimes due to shadows, lighting, material on the bed, or just the fact that vision algorithms make mistakes, it gets the wrong idea.

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In that case, maybe it is because I use my GF in a darkish room so the lid lights are the main source of illumination.

The lights on the sides do not change brightness until you open the lid.

The camera is flanked by two lights. These come on for a second or so each time it takes a picture.

It is easiest to notice if you watch carefully during calibration…especially if you have some material under the camera.

The cool down photo is what is showing up under anything that I try to upload. How do I get rid of it or will it cut just what is on top and not mess up my whole board by doing both the engrave from the previous and the new sign that I am trying to make now. Please, someone tell me what to do. Drag and drop doesn’t make it go away.