Ideas for Wand and Scepters?

I found flexible wand type acylic lamp holders and started playing with the idea of custom LED wands or Septers to offer in my online store. I’m stuck on ideas beyond Sailor Moon, Harry Potter or League of Legends. Not looking to copy in these shows and games. I just need to get inspired so i can put my own spin on it. Anyone who likes fantasy type genres can lead me to some places for research?



No clue on the research, but that’s a sweet idea! :grinning:


I don’t know where to research either, but those would be awesome for the neighborhood kids with pumpkins for Halloween, Turkeys for Thanksgiving, etc.

Comedy/Tragedy mask for Mardi Gras too! :slight_smile:


Oooo I like that idea!


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Where did you find those LED sticks?


I’m negotiating with the factory as I been also considering to sell these in my shop as a supply item for makers. I just need to figure out how to provide the file for the insert to the maker as it’s not a square but a tab slot type at time of sale.


Ok. Will watch for it.

Actually I just need inspiration. I don’t want to get dinged on copyright though I know the community would love it. Basically need to do fan art or derivative work if it is based on those markets

I’m a professional buyer in my day job so I have taps into local source. Just want to ensure the price is right. Quicker turn around is something I want to do for the shop.

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I’d second hansepe’ idea of a mask. Outline Montreal did a kickstarter for LED mask ( ) and I’m sure someone could do something else interesting along those lines with this.
If they are battery powered and easily portable, lots of cosplay potential. a light up Dr Strange Spell ( ) or light up play gun.
or what about a book page light? ( )

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Very cute! I’ve not seen those wand bases before. Another possible use could be for making custom luminaria-style lights for walkways and such. Like for special events. I’ll bet there are loads of ways you could work them into wedding receptions (lighted accents in flower arrangements, table top decor, etc)


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