If anyone is looking for a gift to give me

he’s joking, but i can imagine uses for that. not for working at a computer, but for display purposes.


I imagine if you are a dress designer this would allow you to see it almost life size!

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hah! very true.

but i can see putting ten of these things next to each other and offsetting them, then running a single, changing image across all of them as a conference display.

i’ve actually done a single image display similar to that with oversized printed/mounted boards (think 6-7 ft tall and 1 ft wide, with 8-9 vertical strips mounted on 1/2" gatorboard).

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Or just a giant 8K monitor will do it…

lots of restaurants are converting to digital menu displays, using TVs in portrait mode.

that’s a different visual effect tho.

I do a lot of code maintenance on very legacy organically created code. I think You’ve found the perfect setup to help me understand some of the uglier bits.


Would be much better if the curve was closer to about a 24 inch radius so it has more wraparound affect and wasted less space.

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