If you didn't find a lens wipe

When I got my new GF I read up on some common issues people have with set up and unboxing. One of the oddest and most common was they didn’t find a lens wipe to clean the machine before they start. Once my GF arrived I couldn’t find one ether and thought they forgot it. Being the cautious person I am I decided to look over the entire machine before running it because the delivery guy dropped it off the truck right in front of me. Luckily nothing was damaged and I also found the freebie wipe. Turns out if you don’t see it in the packaging it may be tucked in the side of the machine.


They are pretty cheap by the hundred from a Drug store or anyplace selling glasses or optical equipment. Here are some at 4 cents each

Thanks so much for letting us know about this. I’m glad to hear your Glowforge arrived safely!

I’ve let the team know about your unboxing experience and I’ve passed your photos along as well. I see that you’ve been able to set up your Glowforge successfully. If you have any other questions as you begin printing, let us know by starting a new topic or writing in to support@glowforge.com.