Inkscape Engrave Question


I think that it will take a practicing with each of these to cement them in my brain. Every project is a new opportunity for failure… I think the failures followed by success when you figure it out are the most solid learning experiences.


That is a crucial point to make. When I was first doing these booleans, I couldn’t figure out what was the deal, why sometimes it worked and others not for what I wanted to do. I’d end up trying all the functions to eventually get the right one. Then I discovered that z-order was a factor.

Great to have your understanding on the forum.

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I know z-order is a factor, but I can still have problems with Difference. Eventually it all gets done.

When You want to pick a shape inside a group, rather than ungroup them you can Ctl-Click if it the first that you want or Shift-Ctl-Click to add others. I keep all the sub windows arranged on a second screen so I can both see what is happening and just reach to it.

An important such window is the object list that will show the z-order even across groups and let you change that.


The boolean thing that always got me early on was when I would have one or more paths in a group, or I would forget to change a rectangle to a path first. The boolean just silently(ish) fails, while it does say “one of these objects is not a path” the message is really hard to spot.

It still catches me sometimes, but I’ve learned to quickly adjust and smack my forehead now. :slight_smile:


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