Inkscape help with etched line

Everything I know about Inkscape, I learned here or on my own. Perhaps someone with more knowledge can give me a clue?

The attacked file shows a half lid, with gears on it, and extending upward off the lid. It all works fine until I hit the pink line. the gear holes on the lid cut fine, the gear holes and outline cut fine, the lid cuts fine. The pink line is supposed to etch. My GF wants to etch everything inside the pink line, like trying to etch the entire bottom gear.

The pink line is not a complete shape, and maybe that’s the problem? But the GF was fine with it when I uploaded the file, so I’m not sure.

HELP! Please.

gear (16.6 KB)

I don’t see a file, but it sounds like you need to set your pink line to “score” rather than “engrave.”

Also make sure (if the pink line is an enclosed shape) that it has no fill, since any fill will signal to the GF that it’s supposed to be engraved.

Zip your file and then upload it please. Seams to have not uploaded.

Thanks! Scoring does leave a line, even when weeded, and that’s what I needed!


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